Tuesday, January 10, 2012

looking ahead

I hardly know where to begin after two months of not posting anything! I'm sorry to those who kept checking and checking ... and checking. I wish I could say I'm going to change my act in this new year, but I'm not making any promises! I've been very sobered (not in the literal sense!) the last couple months with so much sadness and reminders of how short this life is. We know and have faith that the best things are ahead, but letting go of what is behind is quite a process I'm sure. My thoughts go from Uncle Keith, to Lanita to Uncle Harvey and back again. I love this hymn that Uncle Keith shared with us on our last visit.

Light after darkness,
Gain after loss,
Strength after weakness,
Crown after cross;
Sweet after bitter,
Hope after fears,
Home after wandering,
Praise after tears.

Sheaves after sowing,
Sun after rain,
Sight after mystery,
Peace after pain;
Joy after sorrow,
Calm after blast,
Rest after weariness,
Sweet rest at last.

Near after distant,
Gleam after gloom,
Love after loneliness,
Life after tomb;
After long agony,
Rapture of bliss,
Right was the pathway
Leading to this.

1 comment:

Carla said...

Thanks for sharing that hymn.