Sunday, March 18, 2012


This year (or school year I should say) Samara decided she would try something different than figure skating lessons. Actually, she would do everything going, but the time schedule doesn't allow it nor does mom's bank account! So this year she opted for gymnastics (Thursdays) along with music lessons (Mondays), volleyball then basket ball (Tuesdays). At least the school sports are free! But, I don't think gymnastics turned out how she planned ... you can't just start with cartwheels on the balance beam and fancy tricks on the bars!! So, the basics were boring for her, but good for her! And mom REALLY liked that it was easy to drop her off for the hour once a week, instead of tying skates and hanging around the rink twice a week! So these few pictures are from the fun meet at the end of January. She won a prize for her floor routine so she was excited about that. Sorry for the poor pictures! The moral of the story is she's waiting to do skating again next year :)
p.s. I LOVE Fridays

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