Sunday, February 3, 2008

Hospital Statistics

Admitted: November 2, 2007; readmitted January 22
Discharged: Grady - January 24, myself - January 18, then January 25
Number of visitors while on bedrest: 289
Number of visitors after Grady was born: kind of a fuzzy memory but at least 40
Number of days with no visitors: 6
Number of times I saw the kids: 18
Number of books read: at least 40
New hobbies: crochet, cross stitch, and suduko
Number of outings: 5 for a total of 17 hours out of the hospital before Grady was born
Number of room changes: 7 including readmission
Number of IV starts: 11 that I recall ... probably missed some
Number of ultrasounds: 8 (including 3 prior to hospital admission)
Estimated birth weight on admission: 1 pound 13 ounces
Birth weight on delivery: 5 pounds 11 ounces
Number of blood transfuions: 16 during surgery plus 1 the next day
Number of hours till I saw Grady: 36 (did see pictures)
Worst memory: waking up in ICU with tubes down my throat and feeling like I couldn't breathe
Best memory: feeling so sore but when I was holding Grady the pain disappeared (for the most part!)


Michelle Service said...

Oh my word, Candice! Those are great stats. I knew some of them but wow, some of those are harsh! That's pretty good that you only had that many dates w/out company, eh? Hope to come see Grady someday soon...

Unknown said...

Wow, that is crazy. How are you doing? I didn't know the toll it took on you, you poor girl! Hope all is good now!

Lj said...

I'm speechless.
Thanks...those stats also put my very minor headache in perspective...nothing to complain about. That is so interesting that you kept track of all those stats. And only 6 days w/o visitors...that is super! I'm glad you didn't list which of your friends could have called you more! :)
Glad its over!