Friday, August 30, 2013

and it goes on and on and on .... back to school 2013/14

Day 2 of school ...

Grady is home with me until the week of September 9th.  Seems hard to believe he'll be a big school kid so soon.  Makes me tear up thinking of it, and I thought I was the kind of mom who didn't do that!!  

I even teared up inside yesterday when I left Rhett in his new class for Grade 2.  He was in French Immersion for Kindergarten and Grade 1 but my gut feeling was that it wasn't working well for him.  He struggles with reading and phonics - compounded complications in 2 languages.  I felt so sad leaving him there in the English class when all his friends were on the other side of the hallway.  

He came home wanting to go back to French :(  Hope I made the right decision.  I told him once Grady starts going to school in a couple weeks I can come and help in his classroom because I will be able to understand everything the teacher says!!!  Bonus! 

Another  challenge this school year is lunches.  Well, they are always challenging for me, but this year is different.  It is kind of a long story, but at the end of the school year Rhett developed a skin infection that presented like boils.  Antibiotics seemed to make it worse and they kept giving him stronger and stronger antibiotics.  He had 3 kinds of antibiotics over 5-6 weeks.  It was awful and very stressful.  I was worried about superbugs (MRSA), infection spreading in the family and possibly others ...  He was tested for MRSA 4 different times but it was always negative.  Eventually I took him to Saskatoon for a live blood analysis and the results showed his blood to be extremely acidic.  We started taking a bunch of natural stuff and making diet changes - trying to limit gluten, sugar, processed meat and no dairy.  Seems impossible, and it kind of is!  But, to make a long story short, he does not have any infection now, just scars.  I will spare you the pictures!!

Any school lunch ideas?!!!

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