I hardly know where to start, so I'll just fill you in on whatever comes to mind! This month has disappeared somewhere between 11 other months. Seems like it was May 1st yesterday and now it is May 31st tomorrow! We started soccer two nights a week - which I have no pictures of yet - so that eats up extra time we didn't have to start with! On Tuesdays Keithan had music from 5-6 and soccer from 5:45-6:45! We compromised by leaving music early and getting to soccer late! However, we are done with that hectic schedule as last week was his last music lesson, THANKFULLY! Rhett plays soccer at the same time - on a different field! So, Samara walks with Keithan to soccer and Grady and I watch Rhett "play". For Rhett it is more of a social activity than exercise. I asked him why he doesn't run for the ball, to which he replied "I need to save my energy"! I'm just not sure what he's saving it for! Keithan on the other hand runs hard for the whole hour and comes back red as a beet! Another mom and I are trading weeks now so we can see the big kids and the little kids play. Oh, I forgot to mention the weather has been amazing! I'm positive we have had more hot days than we had all last summer. I was a little slow getting into the sunscreen routine - resulting in Grady blistering his ears :(
Phil has been away 99% of the month with seeding. He says he's coming back tomorrow so that is good news. Now we just need some rain. I've been trying to convince my family in Saskatchewan to share some of theirs ... but they just aren't co-operating!
Speaking of family, Mom and dad came for the long weekend, in fact, I think it was their longest stay ever - 4 nights!! Dad cleaned out the garage and loaded up the new shed so now we can park 2 vehicles in the garage. It was one of those overwhelming jobs I had on my list for the last 2 months since we got our shed! Thanks dad! On the same weekend we had Tenielle and her husband Shane stop over for a few hours ... with their babies - Poco and Vita (I think)! If you have been keeping up with local news, their town of Slave Lake was evacuated on very short notice because of out of control fires which ended up burning 30-40% of their town. Their house and neighborhood was spared, but still a scary experience.
The kids have found a new sport of interest - rollerblading! I was surprised how quickly they could do it! I was prepared with a few boxes of band-aides but we haven't needed them yet! Rhett finally agreed to have his training wheels taken off his bike since they've been riding up in the air all spring! Notice Rhett's poor fitting helmet - honestly not my fault! He's mister independent (in some things) and I guess I'm just glad he'll wear one at all!
I guess I've rambled on quite a bit! Until next time ...